Are you looking for a freelance ghostwriter, copy-editor or someone to add a little sparkle to your blogs?

I am Susannah Straughan (aka Notreallyworking). I studied law at Bristol University in the 1980s and I have an MA in Cultural and Critical Studies. In 2014 I took a Proofreading for Accreditation Course organised by the Society for Editors and Proofreaders (SfEP).

I have worked in book, magazine and online publishing since 1986, in both production and editorial roles, so I have a good overview of the publishing process.

Cinema and TV is one of my specialist areas. From 1999–2009 I worked at BBC Worldwide as a staff writer, sub-editor and researcher in the Radio Times Film Unit.

I have also proofread directories and legal materials. I work regularly as a copy-editor and proofreader for Taylor & Francis,  publishers of the Europa World Yearbook, International Who’s Who and several Regional Surveys.

In 2016/17 I wrote about the landscape gardens of Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown for a new website set up as part of the Capability Brown Festival. The client was the Landscape Institute. You can read about the gardens here.

As a WordPress blogger and reviewer I have been published in The Guardian, Huffington Post (UK) and on blogcritics. As well as this site, you can also read my blogs at The Taft Hotel.

I am also available for ghostwriting projects in the London area.

If you would like to discuss a project or see my full CV, please leave a message below or tweet me (@susannah63).

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